




Dearest Ernestine,
I start by thanking you for allowing myself and others inside the circle of your soul expansion.
Oh the joy 🙏
In the short time since we met via zoom with Mela from Higher Vibrations I have witnessed you trusting in yourself a little more each day and your vulnerability allows for my vulnerability which in turn allows for further growth. So as you grow, I have found myself growing alongside you.
It brings tears of joy to the windows of my soul as the joy from my heart overflows.
I have yet to tell you of what I actually experience when I hear you play.
It starts with a note and a feeling. I relax into the feeling and as I follow the notes they take me on a journey, then I watch the story unfold before my minds eye. With every song conveyed I see another aspect of the soul’s journey and a few weeks back the story I watched unfolding was my own.
I met myself in a way I had never before experienced. The healing was spontaneous and it was deep within my soul.
Oh Ernestine, when you express your joy of being you through your guitar that feeling is conveyed to the soul and it’s so contagious that it elicits others to step into truly knowing themselves also.
Thank you 🙏
- Kristy McNiven
New South Wales, Australia